So, you’re new here?

“Even the greatest was once a beginner. Don't be afraid to take that first step.”
Muhammad Ali
10 rounds. Half bag. Half functional. ZERO experience neccessary. And that’s that.
5 mins before class.
First time at RIOT? No problem, we got you. All of our classes are beginner-friendly, but we still run through each of our 6 punches with you before class for your first time. so you know exactly what you’re doing when you come face-to-face with our aqua bags.
Warm up.
Get ready cause it's about to go down.
Before we get to work on the bags, benches or circuit station, we’ll run through a cardio-fueled warm-up to get your blood pumping and body ready to RIOT.
5 rounds.
If you’re starting on the bag…lucky you. You get 5 rounds of differing punch variations, cardio combos and core killers that will have you feeling ready for 12 rounds with Tyson.
5 rounds.
If you’re starting on the floor…lucky you.
RIOT 1.0 class = 5 rounds of full-body functional exercises, making sure every muscle is putting in the work
RIOT 2.0 class = start at one circuit station, smash the exercises, then move on to the next station until 5 rounds are completed.
After 5 rounds on your starting spot, time to switch it up. Bags will go to benches. Benches will go to bags. Let the second half of your RIOT class begin…
Wind down.
Time to take a chill pill. Your instructor will lead you through a stretch at the end of class to lower your heart rate and bring you back down to earth the RIOT way.
Your post-RIOT plans are up to you. Hang around for a chat. Stay for a beer. Just make sure we see you at the next one to do it all over again.